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L'Oreal - The Feel Good Tan

The Feel Good Tan

To relaunch Garnier SummerBody, we stop focusing on the ‘look’, and start with feeling. As a sensory product with moisturising qualities and a natural apricot scent, SummerBody is a fake tan that’s more than just a look.



Emily Davison is a blind beauty and fashion vlogger, who for us embodies The Feel Good Tan in more ways than one. 

As someone who is visually impaired, she cares for her appearance, choosing beauty and fashion options based on how they make her feel. 

Sitting in the moisturising category, SummerBody is a fake tan with a difference. It moisturises skin, smells of apricots, and is easy to apply. It can make you feel great even if you can’t see it. 


In Piccadilly’s incredible history as the biggest advertising spot in the country, this is the longest time the ads have not appeared since the Blitz. Instead of brightly coloured moving billboards, they are now completely blank.

To make use of a space where no one is looking, we give people a reason to look. Piccadilly may not appear as its usual self, but looks aren’t everything. Equally, SummerBody isn’t just about appearances. Unlike any other fake tan, it feels good first.

Campaign includes: TV, OOH, projection, online social films, influencer challenges, influencer gifting.

In Production